Sunday, August 17, 2014

Magnet board

For a while now, I've been wanting a place to hold my patterns when I sew.Well, I finally found it. At a recent craft fair I saw a magnet board that was being sold as a place for posting notes so I took that idea  to use for hanging my patterns.  I bought 2 cookie sheets at the dollar store, taped them together and covered them. Now I don't have to struggle with my pattern falling on the floor or losing my place on it!!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Dress form

I've been wanting a dress form for a few months but just hadn't purchased it.  Yesterday, I saw a yard sale so I stopped...that's when I saw the mannequin.  They were asking $10 for it, needless to say, I bought it.

Unfortunately, it came without a stand so I had to find/make one.
I went to the Restore and found a torch lamp for $5. I cut the electric cord out and unscrewed the top part of the lamp. I attached the mannequin to a lamp handle and inserted it into the lamp stand.  WA-LA my mannequin has a stand!!