Sunday, September 21, 2014

Elsa dress prep work

I'm finally getting around to cutting out the fabric for my daughter's Elsa dress, I just discovered that I bought the wrong width of fabric (45 in instead of 60). Those of you who sew know what a big issue this is when you are making a wide skirt.  Lucky for me, my daughter is small so I was able to cheat it by cutting the wideness down by a little and shorten the length due to her height.  I sure hope that it works out like I THINK that it will....

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Bargain fabric

While shopping in my local resale shop, I found this bag of fabric for $3.  I purchased it thinking that I certainly can find something to use it for.  When I got home and opened the bag I discovered that it had been cut into 15 pieces, 1/2 a yard each.  That's why the price was so low!  I have no idea what I'll do with it now.... You get what you pay for!!  LOL

Monday, September 15, 2014

Princess dress for a steal?

My daughter LOVES to play princess and she always wants me to make her a dress.  My current project for her is an Elsa dress.  Meanwhile, I found this chifon dress for a $1 that I decided that I could make a few adjustments to and turn into a princess dress for her.  She absolutely loves it and can't wait until I finish it.  I'll post the finally pics soon!